Shade Guides
Shade guides are necessary to show the customer where they start and end up after a treatment. It is a quantitative way to show results. 15% restocking fee applies to non-defective returns, all gel products must be returned within 7 days of purchase to be eligible for any refund and must not have been opened.
Revodent R 20 Shade Guide
The R 20 shade guide by Revodent is the best teeth shade guide available for teeth whitening. The ceramic teeth are numbered from 1 though 20 to show your customer the exact shade of the teeth before they have them whitened and then to compare them after the whitening process. It will easily show them how many shades they have improved and is the finest shade guide for professional teeth whitening. Easy to use and professional. It will sell the session for you, and pay for itself quickly. As you can see the ceramic teeth pull out for you to show the customer the starting shade of their teeth, so they can quickly compare the finish shade with it. It is an essential tool for teeth whitening in order to look professional.
More Details+Price $79.95

Crystal Clear 3 D Shade Guide 50 count
This is a clear plastic shade guide with tooth shades from 1-15. The shades are very easily matched to the teeth as it is a see through design which lets you put the teeth shades up against the customer's tooth and more accurately determine the exact shade.
It has space for before and after checks to identify to the customer the increase in shade improvement after treatment. This is much more convincing for the customer to see improvement was achieved.
These come in packs of 50.
More Details+Price $24.95
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